Please present a foreign passport along with a boarding pass dated within the last 30 days.(non–ROC)
외국인 여행자 여권 & 30일 이내 탑승권 제시 (non–ROC)
【探索世界Discovery World】
Has the world’s only tilt roller coaster, Gravity Max, as well as 32 other fun rides. It’s a colorful fantasy kingdom for the whole family to enjoy, with attractions to fire the imagination of kids and grownups alike!
【馬拉灣Mala Bay】
Creating waves of up to 3 meters, the Big Wave attraction boasts the biggest artificial waves in Southeast Asia. With a total of 8 water attractions and outdoor theaters, you’ll feel like you’ve been transported to an island resort.
✈活動日期:2024/10/14~2025/08/31 ✈活動內容:活動期間內憑外籍旅客護照正本及大韓航空登機證可享探索世界或馬拉灣現場優惠價全票買一送一優惠,即兩人899元。(原價2,600元) ✈備註:活動日期內每日限量10組。
【天空之夢摩天輪Sky Dream】
A new landmark for Taiwan: The country’s biggest Ferris wheel, and one of the world’s top ten.
✈活動日期:2024/10/14~2025/08/31 ✈活動內容:活動期間內憑外籍旅客護照正本及大韓航空登機證可享天空之夢摩天輪一般車廂全票買一送一優惠,即兩人350元。(原價平日600元/假日700元) ✈備註:活動日期內每日限量10組。
【麗寶福容大飯店Lihpao Resort Fullon Hotel】
Comfortable rooms of size 14 ping and above are suitable to stay with friends or the whole family.
✈活動日期:2024/10/14~2025/08/31 ✈活動內容:活動期間內憑外籍旅客護照正本及大韓航空登機證可享麗寶福容大飯店住房優惠。 ✈優惠價格: Oct. - Jun. Mon - Thr TWD5,000│Fri & Sun TWD5,500│Sat. TWD6,500│Special Holiday TWD8,000 July - Aug. Mon - Thr TWD6,000│Fri & Sun TWD7,500│Sat. TWD8,000 ✈優惠房型:精緻家庭房(雙人住宿) Superior Family Room ✈住宿包含:早餐兩客 breakfast for two adults ✈連續假期(Public Holiday)費用請洽官網,跨年(December 31th)及農曆春節(Lunar New Year)期間不適用 ✈備註:活動日期內每日限量10組。 <尚未開賣>更多資訊請依麗寶福容大飯店官網公告為主。
【T12麗寶賽車主題旅店 T12 Hotel】
✈活動日期:2024/10/14~2025/08/31 ✈活動內容:活動期間內憑外籍旅客護照正本及大韓航空登機證可享麗寶賽車主題旅店住房優惠。 ✈優惠價格: Oct. - Jun. Mon - Sun TWD4,000│Sat. TWD5,000│Special Holiday TWD6,000 July - Aug. Mon - Thr TWD4,500│Fri & Sun TWD5,000│Sat. TWD6,000 ✈優惠房型:傳奇客房(雙人住宿) Legend Room ✈住宿包含:早餐兩客 breakfast for two adults ✈連續假期(Public Holiday)費用請洽官網,跨年(December 31th)及農曆春節(Lunar New Year)期間不適用 ✈備註:活動日期內每日限量10組。 <尚未開賣>更多資訊請依麗寶賽車主題旅店公告為主。
The best in food and shopping. Experience the romantic scenery of the famous Italian village of Portofino. Find all the top domestic and foreign sports and leisure brands, as well as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and souvenirs imported direct from Hokkaido, Japan.
✈麗寶OUTLET MALL 外籍旅客優惠 LIHPAO OUTLET MALL foreign visitor discount. 리바오 아울렛몰 외국인 여객 할인 ✈活動內容:可持外籍旅客護照正本至服務台領取優惠券。 更多資訊請依麗寶OUTLET MALL公告為主。